psssssst – this blog sleeps
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SPRING #18 'FREIHEIT' 29/8/2021
the 18th issue of SPRING has the topic FREEDOM (FREIHEIT). this time with stories by Maren Amini, Larissa Bertonasco, Romy Blüml, Almuth Ertl, Doris Freigofas, Moshtari Hilal, Katharina Kulenkampff, Carolin Löbbert, marialuisa, moki, Karina Tungari & Stephanie Wunderlich
order at -> mairisch
i took part with three stories: IN DESPAIR, IN LIMBO & IN MY MIND
together with my brother marco who runs STAY YANG we printed a limited edition of 50 screenprints of the characters of my graphic novel SUMPFLAND. you can order a print via mail to marco.kraft (at) gmx. net or via instagram @stay_yang_.
limited edition SCREEN PRINT of 50 – A3 (29,7x42cm) 170g/m2
signed & numbered 30euro (insured shipping 4,50euro)
the SUMPFLAND t-shirts we printed are sold out but the collaboartion shirts are still available - take a look at @stay_yang_. next time we are going to print more in small sizes for children.
half of my SUMPFLAND installation got lost during shipping to island. i had to sew a new landscape and i made new characters & masks, too. here you can watch a little homage for REPRODUKT's birthday. music is by tommes, many many thanks!
POSTCARD SET 27/12/2020
10 postcards free shipping in germany (international shipping 3e) 10euro
karoline bofinger was taking portraits of comic artist from berlin. her series is published in the newspaper TAZ – see all photographs on her blog: she took my photograph dressed as the character SPOOKY. the short story "SPOOKY" is pubished in the anthology SPRING – issue #17 with the topic "GHOSTS".
so proud to get the GINCO SPOTLIGHT AWARD for my graphic novel SUMPFLAND! many thanks to reprodukt for publishing the book!
SPOOKY 16/10/2020
how does a character come to life? – i 'm layin in bed watching the random patterns of the wall. i can see the head of monkey. pareidolia. i'm sketching it and fall in love with the softness of the shape.
i want to bring it to life. i decide to draw a story with the little fellow. i continue sketching to understand who xe is and what xer story is.
understanding what i want to think about i draw a storyboard and start working on the comic. xe is called SPOOKY. xe is a ghost. the story i 'm drawing on is for the #17th issuee of the spring magazine with the topic GESPENSTER (GHOSTS).
i'm shaping clay to get a 3 dimentional version of SPOOKY's head in ceramic.
by sewing a costume of the character everyone can turn into SPOOKY.
i wonder how a shadow on the wall can take a journey and transform into a story about life and death, longing and love. SPOOKY.
you can read the full comic in the #17th issue of SPRING magazine or here on my website under comic.
SPRING #17 'GESPENSTER' 18/9/2020
the 17th issue of SPRING has the topic GESPENSTER (GHOSTS). this time with stories by Anke Feuchtenberger, Mari Kanstad-Johnsen, Inga Kählke, Sarah Mazzetti, Doris Freigofas, Katharina Gschwendtner, Romy Blümel, marialuisa, moki, Nina Pagalies, Katrin Stangl, Kati Szilagyi, Larissa Bertonasco, Birgit Wehye & Stephanie Wunderlich
order at -> mairisch
special: NIGHT-GLOW COVER!!!!
i was able to draw /paint two stories for this issue –
"SPOOKY" which questions the reason for turning into a ghost? it is dedicated to Genevièv Castrée (who died in 2016 with 35 years) & Margaret Kilgallen (who died in 2001 with 34 years) - both very talented and inspiring artists!
for my sequence "DEVIL'S HOLE" i have painted acrylic pictures and reworked them for the due-tone pantone publication with airbrush backgrounds.
E.T. RISO PRINT 5/08/20
@bananaposterpress printed a RISO edition of 40 (25euro)
opening of the show in hamburg / germany @rfi_gallery 5th of august 2020
with works by
GINGKO PRESS 2020 11/06/20
portrait for the GINGKO PRESS #artistathome series with my latest gingko publiscations SHELTER 2017 and HOW TO DISAPPEAR 2010 - looking forward to publish the next book with paintings (link with the interview follows)
BEST GERMAN BOOKS 2020 10/05/20
very proud to announce that the book DIE WUNDERSAMEN ZWÖLF by RAE MARIZ & me is nominated by STIFTUNG BUCHKUNST as one of the best german books 2020!
BLOOM 29/03/20
2018 I started a photo series with crowns & masks out of artificial flowers and trash. I was playing around with friends & family camouflaging and wrapping up in flower-print fabrics. Watch the photos on flickr.
Many thanks to Sigrid, Thomas, Aki, Su, Nives, Christian, Doris, Nadia, Emilia, Britta, Eric, Yoichi & Ada for experimenting and playing with me!
WINNER 16/12/19
the winner of the original painting from DIE WUNDERSAMEN ZWÖLF is Ulrich S. - thank you for takeing part in the lottery!!!
from this weekend on until the 29th of february 2020 you can find an installtion with the characters from my graphic novel SUMPFLAND (published by reprodukt in mai 2019) in the best kids-book-store in berlin: KRUMULUS at südstern in kreuzberg. next to the soft sculptures you will find many dates for kids to take part in workshops or listen to readings: check KRUMULUS website to see the manifold program:
if you have no chance to come by you can see a documentation of the show on tumlr
WINNER 15/9/19
thanks for everyone who took part in the SUMPFLAND lottery! this time the winner is ANNE K. from berlin – congratulations! if you would like to win an original drawing or painting too come to the SPRING group show in hamburg (26.9.2019 at frappant) or purchase a "die wundersamen zwölf" book and win an aye-aye painting!
after 8 years we (rae mariz & me) are glad our book STRANGER THAN IMAGINATION - RARE FUR-COVERED BEASTS is finally published by reisedepeschen – 32 pages, hardcover, 20.5 × 24.5 cm, deutsch, 16 euro, ISBN: 978-3-96348-006-5 translation by cindy ruch
win an original painting of the book (a painting study for the AYE-AYE 24x20cm acrylic on paper 2011) by ordering a signed/dedicated book at m at!
you can also buy an original painting or drawing of the book – take a look here! (PDF)
the 16th issue of the SPRING magazine collects stories about SEX and GENDER questions. it is now available in your local bookstore and on the publishers website
you find us on instagram too!
participants of this issue are: Larissa Bertonasco, Aisha Franz, Doris Freigofas, Jul Gordon, Katharina Gschwendtner, Carolin Löbbert, marialuisa, moki, Nina Pagalies, Nadine Redlich, Katrin Stangl, Kati Szilagyi, Birgit Wehye & Stephanie Wunderlich
i have been working on two stories:
"MUGELKENSCHEN" which is a word twist of KUGELMENSCHEN, a story by planton. this legend is mixing up with darwin's theoriy of evolution.
the second story is called "WHERE I END & YOU BEGIN" after a song by radiohead. it is paintings that deal with the idea of coming together and forming a new collective body.
interview for the REPRODUKT BLOG:
SUMPFLAND exhibition views from berlin & hamburg are online on a new tumblr site:
(the archive of exhibtions views is on flickr - all photographs before 2019)
i dreamed i was a comic artist. in my story everything was connected to everything
without ever touching.
i got fantastic reviews on my graphic novel SUMPFLAND - thank you very much!
listen and read here: RBB KULTUR by andrea heinze & DER FREITAG by jana volkmann &
download the RBB RADIO audiofile (mp3 - 5 min)
SUMPFLAND - REVIEW 2019 21/5/19
watch the book review of SUMPFLAND:
OCRE 17/5/19
i made an OCRE light for the book release at modern graphics, kastanienallee 79, berlin saturday 18.5.2019 from 18:30-20h with lottery hand sewn pillows and a drawing
my graphic novel SUMPFLAND is published by reprodukt!
hardcover / 168 pages on munken paper/ 2 pantone colors / german/ 20euro
For everyone who orders a book at (m (at) takes part in a lottery for an acrylic painting (more info
I'd like to thank you Dirk Rehm, Lily Wittenburg, Romy Blümel, Ada & Aki, Sascha Hommer, Arne Bellstorf, Nina Pagalies, Julius Hartung, Jesse Kraft, Christina Röckl, Thorsten Pütz, Gottfried Gusenbauer, Sabine Güldenfuß, Emma Åkerman & Yoichi
I'm dedicating this book to my brother Thomas. When we were kids we were sitting in his room reading and drawing. He said he would draw comics as an adult. I said "me too".
The novel is about complexity. Stories are woven into each other. Parallels appear, new connections are made and causality dissolves. A rhizomatic network about love & death, relationship & community, critique of the system & search for meaning. You will find abstract dancing patterns and human like characters, talking plants and dreaming giants, shape shifters, animals & smart snowflakes. Narrated trough classic panel and freely associative drawings.
for an overview click here ->
for everyone how would like to take part in the soft-sculpture workshop i will do at palais populaire at the 5th of may 2019 - there are some tickets left! see here ->
BYTE FM 2019 5/3/19
the best radio station BYTE.FM asked me to paint a portrait of the band clickclickdecker for their concert folder march 2019. become a friend of BYTE.FM and support independent music culture!
my publisher house Reprodukt has announced SWAMPLAND in their magazine:
"Wie begegnet man den Herausforderungen einer komplexen und zunehmend vernetzten Welt? Gleicht unser Leben nicht manchmal einem einzigen Waten durch eine Sumpflandschaft – ein falscher Schritt genügt und man versinkt im triefenden Morast? Und ist es nicht das, wonach wir uns eigentlich sehnen? Einfach zu verschwinden und all dem zu entkommen?
In SUMFLAND verknüpft Moki viele kurze Geschichten zu einer komplexen Erzählung über Leben und Sterben, über Beziehungen und Gemeinschaft, Sinnsuche und Systemkritik. Sie entführt uns in ihre wundersame Welt, in der Tiere, Alraunen und andere Getüme lebendig sind und sich – jedes auf seine Weise – den alltäglichen Unwegsamkeiten zu stellen haben."
in 2012, rae mariz and i worked out an idea for a series of books about endangered animals called STRANGER THAN IMAGINATION to highlight some species so fantastical it’s hard to believe we actually share a planet with them.
we began by researching mammals, sending each other photos and facts about the wildest “rare fur-covered beasts” we could find, and choosing 11 of them to feature. rae wrote poem-like infotexts to introduce these introverts to readers young and old, and follow them on tiny narratives featuring their particular peculiarities. i painted intricate portraits of each animal in their natural environments.
these wild spaces are vanishing due to a reckless idea that humans are the only species that matter. we hope that as readers discover the wonderful creatures living right now, on this same planet, that we’ll be inspired to make sure they continue to have a place in this shared world. while we search for a publisher for this larger project, we are releasing our collaboration as a set of 12 postcards.
you can buy this postcard edition to learn and share the secrets about these rare beasts. the money will be donated to NABU for endangered animals.
10 euro including shipping in germany - mail to:m at - thank you for you support!
please check out rae mariz books and projects at her website:
ENKLAVEN 8/10/2018
group show with GOSIA MACHON, INGA KÄHLKE & GABRIELA JOLOWICZ at feinkunst krüger hamburg, germany. watch the show online on flickr
order the 32 pages zine via mail to m at - 2euro + shipping (just handful left)
comic festival hamburg 6/10/2018
installation for my upcoming comic novel SUMPFLAND at comicfestival hamburg - watch the show online on flickr
rework 6/9/2018
anne bought this painting telling me it reminds her of lowetsch in bulgaria where she went to go swimming in her childhood. now she has send this photograph to share how similar the river bed 'OSAM' in looks. incredible - thank you! OSAM is called 8 because of the curved parts of the river.
SPRING #15 'WORK' 20/8/2018
the latest issue of SPRING presents 13 different views on the topic of 'WORK' by Larissa Bertonasco, Romy Blümel, Doris Freigofas, Jul Gordon, Katharina Gschwendtner, Friederike Hantel, Carolin Löbbert, moki, Nina Pagalies, Paula Partzsch, Katrin Stangl, Birgit Weyhe & Stephanie Wunderlich
order at mairisch:
i was drawing two short stories about my first job as a "dishwasher" and "the wall" a story about class society, social marginalisation and work!
QUART 20/8/2018
lily wittenburg and i did a contribution for "Quart", a magazine for culture from austria. i was putting 1000 paper bags with plastic parts collected from beaches in europe in the magazine. together with a card showing a painting and this text by the artist and autor lily wittenburg:
Wir wandern auf den Fundhorizonten einer gemeinsamen Gegenwart, sie sind die Schicht die uns verbindet. Wieder und wieder auftauchende Gegenstände. Wind und Wellen verwischen die Beweise, indem sie mit Sand bedecken, was eben noch war. In diesem Reservoir schwimmend, wird es zunehmend schwieriger, Unterscheidungen zu treffen zwischen sich und dem Herzzerreißenden der Dinge. Maschinen vermögen es, Massen und Massen von Splittern im Ozean zu berechnen, aber Empathie
kalkulieren, das können sie nicht.
Abenddämmerung. Ein älterer Mann ordnet Pappkartons in einem Hinterhof, wir sehen ihn aus der Erhöhung eines Hotelzimmers. Täglich zwischen sieben und acht ist das Quadrat des Hofes sein Spielfeld. Eine Traurigkeit von hundert oder tausend Jahren Wiederholungen schwebt über ihm.
Seither gibt es für ihn nur noch zwei mögliche Beleuchtungen, Zigaretten
und Neonlicht. Leuchtreklamen. Von der Schrift strahlt ein stumpfer
Glanz ab. Gesichter ins Licht gesunken, wie in eine Flüssigkeit, gehen vorüber. Wäre nicht die Spur noch von dem Lastwagen, der die Kartons anlieferte, man könnte glauben, es seien immer die selben, die er zu Stapeln aufeinander legt.
Im Minutentakt von Wellenbewegungen trifft der Wasserschlag den Untergrund, zieht sich das Meer zurück, um eine Grenzlinie zu ziehen aus Fragmenten. Als Scherben deuten sie noch auf etwas Ganzes hin, das sich nicht mehr entziffern lässt. Von Salzen zerfressen, an den Rändern rund geschliffen und durch die Witterung in ihrer matten Farbigkeit einander gleich geworden, zeichnen sie einen Pfad, der sich aus tausend Orten zusammen setzt. Auf einigen findet sie noch eingeprägt die Aufschrift ihrer Herkunft. China, Taiwan, Bangladesh, France, Germany. Das große Zirkulieren von Minutenwaren und dann Jahrtausende des Driftens. Wenn sie auf das Wasser schaut, sieht sie eine virtuelle Wüste vor sich, für die die Dinge in ihren Händen zerbrechliche Zeugen sind. An Uferböschungen, im Gras sich zerreibende Überreste.
Die vom Wind Verlassenen in ihren Booten. Sie fragt sich, ob es überhaupt noch möglich sei, von diesem Strand als einem bestimmtem Strand zu sprechen. Besteht er doch aus Mischungen, die von so feiner Körnung sind, dass sie ins Unendliche gehen könnten. Es ist nicht mehr nachvollziehbar, welcher Partikel von woher stammte oder wer zu welcher
Welt gehört. Alles ist überall, immer, zur selben Zeit.
‘How to find the right way in a world as complex and entangled as ours? The challenges of our time are overwhelming. It’s like navigating through a swamp—one false move and it sucks you up and swallows you in. And that is exactly what you wish for. Escape and disappearance.’ In her new comic novel, ‘Swamp Land,’ the artist Moki tries to picture this complexity, weaving stories into one other, both mysterious and visionary. This exhibition further explores the cosmos of ‘Swamp Land.’
i will present the work in progress of my new comic album "SUMPFLAND" at kulturkapelle verwalterhaus / alter st.marien st.nikolai-friedhof / prenzlauer allee 1 /berlin
open wednesday till sunday 12-20h. more informatin here: pictoplasma website
watch photographs of the exhibition on flickr ->
new photographs on flickr ->
a booklet of the comic story "the careless kind" is no available /28 pages in color / size A6 printed on matt paper / edition of 250 / 4 euro + shipping / order via mail to m at
i am drawing on the comic story DISHWASHER for the upcoming 15th issue of the SPRING anthology presenting works about the topic 'WORK' by 14 female artists.
i painted the poster for NEXTCOMIC FESTIVAL 2018 in austria. i will show paintings in linz and publish a new comic booklet called "the careless kind". more information ->
new comic about growing up "endlich 18" for the first edition 2018 of the newspaper TAZ
i got featured in the finnish book VAELLUKSIA MAISEMAAN Taiteen mestarit meren äärellä
markku valkonen - pekka niemelä by John Nurmisen Säätio 2016. if you speak finnish please send a translation ;)
donation for NABU 25/12/2017
today i contributed 407 euros to the fund of the NGO 'NABU' for the protection of the oceans. i would like to thank all subscribers for the charitable donation in exchange with some handmade ocean plastic jewellery! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!
music video for LAMBERT's waiting room 20/11/2017
this music video is a tribute to LAMBERT
in 2016 i was working with the pianist and composer LAMBERT on a collaborative project:
an exchange of expressions where piano pieces transform into painting and paintings transform into piano playing. the collaboration has now been assembled. i'm happy to present the production of "SWEET APOCALYPSE". every track on LAMBERT's album goes together with a painting. the process of the this collaboration of the pianist lambert and me
was an interchange not a one-way interpretation.
see the paintings to the music pieces
i'm synaesthetic with an audio - visual perception.
the means if i listen to sounds i can see colors and shapes in front of my inner eye.
in this video i try to dance the sounds of LAMBERT's piece "waiting room"
as i feel the sounds, composition and movement in space.
LAMBERT: website - facebook - soundcloud - youtube
nucleus limitied edition: FOX 13/11/2017
nucleus gallery has released the green FOX painting as a limited edition of only 30 is printed on velvet fine art paper. prox. 46x54cm. you can order the prints at their website ->
soloshow at the multifunctional space PUSH IT brilon runs until the 11.nov. photos on flickr
SPRING radio interview 29/7/2017
radio interview for deutschlandfunk kultur (german) -> listen here
yo, future! 2/7/2017
SPRING #14 - out now!
with works by: Almuth Ertl, Carolin Löbbert, Cynthia Kittler, Edith Carron, Eva Revolver,
Gabriela Jolowicz, Johanna Benz, Katia Fouquet, Laura Edelbacher, marialuisa, Marijpol,
moki, Paula Partzsch, Romy Blümel, Stephanie Wunderlich, Tiziana Jill Beck
preface by Lu Yen Roloff
216 pages, softcover, language: english & german, ISBN 978-3-938539-46-0, 20euro
spring website / order at mairisch
divers 28/6/2017
new prints available: 55 x 70cm / 115g affichen paper / signed / 10e +shipping / order here
upcycling - ocean plastic waste 26/6/2017
i collected plastic waste on the beach. the ocean has rounded the pieces and the sun has bleached them. i love the colors! if you like to wear a brooch or necklace you can purchase the handcrafted pieces of jewellery. i will donate the proceeds to the NGO NABU. step up to make this world a better place by informing yourself about how to reduce your production of waste, clean up the mess we are creating and rethinking your habits.
you find all pieces of jewellery here - please contact me via mail
more information about and how to protect the ocean (german) - MEERESATLAS
sheet book 19/6/2017
pianist lambert released a sheet book that contains transcriptions for piano of all songs from LAMBERT's Sweet Apocalypse as well as the paintings for each song - click the pictures to take a close look on the fine publication! 72 pages order here
coincidence 5/6/2017
walking through the streets of berlin.. picking some magazines that someone has left.. flipping through them at home.. finding a review in 'missy magazine' from 2011 that reviewed WANDERING GHOST - smiling + one that was printed in the magazine 'brigitte'
collecting colors 29/5/2017
collaboration with LAMBERT 18/5/2017
i'm proud to present a year-long collaborative project with the pianist and composer LAMBERT. an exchange of expressions where piano pieces transform into painting and paintings transform into piano playing. the collaboration has now been assembled. i'm happy to present the production of SWEET APOCALYPSE!
every track on LAMBERT's album goes together with a painting. the process of the this collaboration of the pianist lambert and me was an interchange not a one-way interpretation
check out two timelapse videos of LAMBERT's sweet apocalypse on vimeo:
concert & exhibition dates:
18.5.2017 resonanzraum /hamburg
19.5.2017 tolhuistuin /amsterdam
20.5.2017 silent green /berlin
22.5.2017 vortex /london
25.5.2017 porgy & bess /wien
26.5.2017 treibhaus /innsbruck
23.12.2017 elbphilharmonie /hamburg
LAMBERT: website - facebook - soundcloud - youtube
printing the 'sweet apocalypse' booklet 28/4/2017
printing the "sweet apocalypse" booklet for the upcoming LAMBERT album - watch pix
mom artspace gängevierel 20/3/2017
watch photographs from the cardboard building workshop at mom artspace at gängeviertel hamburg ->
nucleus portland 24/2/2017
gallery nucleus in portland/USA has released a limitied fine art print - see here
WINNER 1/2/2017
thanks to all who took part in the raffle! winner of an original shelter painting is sabine m. the next possibility to win a painting is on the 2nd of march at the opening of the show at MOM ART SPACE gängeviertel hamburg/germany
PUSH IT 12/1/2017
wood-wallpaper cut out for the PUSH IT gallery and multifunctional space in brilon germany. an exhibition will follow in summer 2017!
read SHELTER bookreviews online at WOWxWOW (eng), A5 magazine (eng) and BAUMHAUSBLOG (ger)
MISS HECKER 20/11/2016
if you are in berlin come to visit MISS HECKER in wedding - until the end of december you can enjoy the unique atmosphere of miss hecker and see the latest shelter paintings.
photos on flickr ->
i sewed a collection of clothes, blankets or bags from fabrics with wood like patterns. i collected cloth with wood texture. i took photographs of all kinds of wood imitating surfaces as well as real wood. you will find the photographes on flickr ->
i would like to thank lena, anneli, sander, katha, lily, marco, lui, thomas, carlotta, haina, adam, rita & nives for their help - merci!
SHELTER 7/11/2016
after 6 years of work i'm proud to announce that my SHELTER book is finally printed! MARGARET MORTON has written the preface, you will find excepts from GASTON BACHELARD'S "Poetics Of Space", lyrics from OI VA VOI, an interview conducted by ANIKA HEUSERMANN and many of the paintings of the SHELTER series in a very fine artbook published by GINGKO PRESS.
everyone who orders a SHELTER BOOK until the 10th of january 2017 takes part in a raffle. the prize is an original painting on wood. the winner will be announced end of january 2017. please order by mail: m (a)
152 pages, hardcover, 25,79 x 22,6 cm, english, 29.95euro ISBN: 978-1-58423-578-1
look inside here
watch a book review on vimeo:
anfachen award 26/9/2016
the jury of ANFACHEN AWARD has choosen 25 artist to present the WORLD OF WOMEN. this painting is one of them - read more on PAGE.
from coast to coast 17/8/2016
if you are in portland you can visit the group show "from coast to coast" at nucleus gallery portland - with brooks salzwedel, dadu shin, kozyndan, paige jiyoung moon and me.
painting with plastic pieces 9/8/2016
find some new photographs on flickr, an interview here as well as paintings here
HALCYON BLURR by offthesky 16/6/2016
a new sound for "recurring nightmare" by the artist jason corder aka offthesky from denver
HELP 10/6/2016
my friend RAE MARIZ and i made a book presenting rare mammal species we are about to lose for ever if we are not changing the way we live. PLEASE HELP to find a publisher, NGO or sponsor to share joy, magic and awareness with this book! send a message
>>>look inside>>>
RCP85 12/5/2016
you find some photographs of the show RCP85 in hamburg at gallery feinkunst krüger on my flickr blog -> click the pictures
postcard edition 29/4/2016
a made a postcard edition of my recent paintings
10 hand stamped motifs in a transparent paper envelope 9,90 euro
pay via paypal or bank transfer (please send a mail m at
click the picture to see all 10 motifs in high-res
work in progress 15/4/2016
work in progress 25/3/2016
work in progress 1/3/2016
feature: low brow anthology 28/1/2016
gudberg-nerger published a book with artworks from the annual show 'don't wake daddy' that takes place every december at gallery feinkunst krüger in hamburg. more infos ->
work in progress 22/1/2016
i'm working on a soloshow in may 2016. it will be called RCP85 and take place in the gallery feinkunst krüger in hamburg germany. here you find a painting in progress:
past up 11/1/2016
if you are in berlin visit the gallery & bookstore NEUROTITAN. you wouldn't find this past up there - it was peeled off after a couple of days.
comic blog 23/12/2015
i relaunched the comic page as blog. you'll find studies, doodles and work in progress ->here
miniature 4/12/2015
i painted a new series of paintings on annular plates. the diameter varies (11,5cm to 14cm) write a message to purchase an original painting (90 euro)
click on the image below to see which paintings are still available
interview for wow x wow 17/9/2015
tim maclean posted an interview on the art blog wowxwow
postcard edition 10/9/2015
this is the 2nd postcard edition of my shelter series:
10 hand stamped motifs in a brown paper envelope 9,90 euro
pay via paypal or bank transfer (please send a mail m at
click the picture to see all 10 motifs in high-res
offical release SPRING 1/9/2015
today is the offical release of spring #12 PRIVEÉ - order at mairisch verlag
photo: manfred bogner
spring #12 - privée 17/7/2015
the new spring magazine is coming soon! 14 artists interpret their view on 'privacy'.
i have drawn an autobiographical story. in 'strolling through kreuzberg' you will meet people with no or limited privacy here in berlin-kreuzberg: demonstrating refugees on the oranienplatz, romani people at cuvrybrache, drug addicts and dealers at kotti and homeless people living here in the streets for many years.
issue #12 with drawings from katharina geschwendtner, nina pagalies, larissa bertonasco, maria luisa witte, sophia martineck, ludmilla bartscht, carolin löbbert, katrin stangl, ulli lust, line hoven (cover artwork), stephanie wunderlich, katia fouquet, almuth ertl and me.
order at mairisch verlag
tiny paintings 4/6/2015
the cotton candy maschine in new york is presenting the groupshow TINY TRIFECTA on the 6th of june. i'm taking part with 3 tiny works. for everyone who can't take part i made a collection of tiny original artworks on annular plates. write a message to purchase an original painting (25 - 45 euro)
click on the image below to see which paintings are still available
featured in neo blek & dada 19/4/2015
"wandering ghost" was featured in the islandic magazine neo blek, as well as a painting in the miyazaki issue of dada, a french magazine.
"strolling through kreuzberg" 15/3/2015
the anthology spring publishes its next issue PRIVÉE in june 2015. i'm working on a autobiographical story about unsheltered people living in kreuzberg, berlin. from 2011 till now we saw people without privacy every day in the streets. i was impressed by napuli, who protestet up in a tree top for a week next to the evacuated refugee camp oranienplatz. you'll find a spread about cuvrybrache, kotti and many homeless people living in the public space.
the rainbow 8/2/2015
"one day i dreamed that the rainbow showed up after raining, but it didn't have any colors and i was the only one capable of coloring it." (a dream from a boy in mexico)
roger omar collects dreams of children. artists from all over the world interpret them.
watch more on flickr
"bowery bird" 4/12/2014
musican 'KiRRiN iSLAND' produced a little zine with this and other comics about his alter ego. you find his music here. to read the short comic click on the pictures.
"don't wake daddy" 13/11/2014
three new paintings for the annual groupshow "don't wake daddy"at feinkunst krüger hamburg. visit the website here.
nils frahm - music video 11/9/2014
nils frahms "screws reworked" competition inspired me to a video. actually i did two.
visit nils frahm's homepage
video to RE from nils frahm's album 'screws'
work in progress 4/9/2014
i'm working on paintings for archimedes gallery oregon usa. see more pictures on flickr.
series of 6 paintings for osaka, japan 30/6/2014
these paintings will be shown in a group exhibtion in osaka, japan in december 2014.
you will
find more pictures on nucleus released two new prints in a signed and numbered limited edition. their qualtity is amazing and i'm very happy with the result! if you would like to order prints from europe please contact me by mail.
click the picture to see more..
this mammal is called okapi. it lives in the rainforests of congo. it's tongue is blue-black and so long that it can wash it's eyes with it. there is a tar-like substance leaking from the hooves that helps to communicate with other okapis in the same area.
together with rae mariz i'm working on a book about mammals. it's overwhelming to do research and find out about bats as big as bumlebees, pink milk sweating hedgehogs and blind moles covered with iridescent fur.
nulceus gallery from san francisco made new prints with great quality as ever!
again limited edition of 30 prints, signed and numbered. they are available on their website
88 pages, black/white & color 24 x 19 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-941099-79-1 EUR 16
140 pages, Hardcover, 11'' x 8 ¾'' (279x222 mm) english $ 29.95 ISBN: 978-1-58423-417-3
booklet from paintings on wood available.
"atlaskvarteren" is a quarter in stockholm. currently i'm staying here to work on my application for the hamburg based comic anthology orang. the theme for the next issue is: "atlas".
recently i finish the last paintings for a book i like to publish. here is a work in progress picture - showing the gorgeous tjøn! thank you very much for your help and trust!
15quadrat is a non-profit project for pupils by kunstclub hamburg. i've painted 3 little pictures for them. take a look at their site here:
tu.tu.blu is a fashion label from london. they are going to design clothes inspired by children's games for summer season 2010. i was able to do a collaborative project with them. for catching a glimpse at the repeat print click on the sketch.
..this exhibtion runs until next sunday and ends with a filmprogram curated by masayo kajimura! visit us in niendorf! presenting works by naho kawabe, akane kimbara, anneli schütz, birgit wudtke, lily wittenburg and moki
nucleus gallery from alhambra near an francisco has published a limited edition of the painting below. its printed with 8-color process on velvet fine art paper.
boingdoing clinkclong: with eleven great people we've painted the frontwall of kampnagel - a dance and performance theater in hamburg. check out the little animation we did!
someone in barcelona has painted the same girl i put on the flyer for our last show in barcelona at iguapop - wow
this kooky book (with 900 colored images) will be offered for free to all visitors of the dockville-festival in hamburg because the spot where the ecological recess is located is straight beside the festival area!
from the left to the right: Clemens Klanghorn, Émilie Mollusca, Die Siamesischen Zwillingshiltons Rockefeller, Haina Jones & Sigmund Lachs