this book is about complexity. nothing is simple. everything delicately interconnected.
i shoot an arrow into the air = a tool for action. a brush for creation. a base for a home. a crutch. a deathly weapon.
nothing is defined. everyone wants to be loved. everyone tries their best. everyone is good from their perspective.
this world will swallow you alive!
published by
164 pages / two colored / hardcover / €20,- / size: 17 × 21,5 cm / ISBN 978-3-95640-179-4
der freitag 2019
bookgazette 2019
RBB 2019

transforming from a child into an adult took the rest of me. i have been told this is called "coming of age" story.
here we are. caught in a body. walking the ground. expectations from all directions. troubled waters. society's arms.. a story to gain selflove.
published by
88 pages / black & white / softcover with hidden booklet in color/ €16,- / size: 24 x 19cm / ISBN 978-3-941099-79-1

Popov & ZKE are stupid humans. STUPID HUMANS!
waking up when it's too late. shame on us!
self-published 2016
28 pages / color / softcover / €5,- / size: 10,5 x 14,8 cm
i am part of the spring-collective which publishes
a monothematical book with drawn stories every year
For 20 years, we have been providing a stage for the diverse voices of female illustrators in Germany and other countries by publishing the anthology SPRING. What unites us is the passion for storytelling with graphic means - the visualization of stories. The SPRING-COLLECTIVE focuses on personal and professional exchange: all decisions are made collaboratively and democratically. Each year, the artists meet and discuss what theme might be relevant and exciting for the new issue. Once the theme has been decided, each of the artists searches for and finds her own individual approach, both in terms of content and graphics. In the end, when we hold the magazine in our hands, we see very different perspectives on one topic side by side. SPRING remains lively above all because of its open structure of permanent and changing members: since the first issue in 2004, SPRING has already been a platform for more than 40 international women artists. SPRING is a field of experimentation for us. SPRING inspires us to find images and words for feelings, events and utopias and to share them with you. SPRING gives us courage to dare new things: we reflect together and support each other. The power ofthe COLLECTIVE of female-identifying members opens a space for a fun, constructive and intense collaboration. We hope that Our stories will entertain you in a variety of ways and make you think - at best, enrich you.
SPRING is published at
i was able to take part in these issues of SPRING: